News & Events

Backpacks lined up ready to be passed out

School supplies distribution event on Friday, August 27 at the Mack Ashland building (14711 Mack Avenue, Detroit 48215)

Back To School Event Provides 1100 Backpacks To Families In Need

Despite the heavy rain that cut short our annual free school supplies distribution, the event was still a success and ultimately 1,100 backpacks filled with school supplies were given away to kids kindergarten through high school.

The distribution took place on Friday, August 27 at our Mack Ashland building on the east side. It was scheduled from noon to 3pm. When a storm halted the event after an hour, 400 backpacks had been given away to families from the neighborhood and others who came to the drive-thru distribution.

Staff with our Children, Youth and Families division then arranged for remaining backpacks to be donated to community organizations serving students in Wayne County, including CNS Healthcare, Iglesia La Roca Eterna (Eternal Rock Church), Christian Calvary Church, and Greater Community Missionary Baptist Church. Parent Support Partners with Family Alliance for Chance also personally delivered 200 backpacks to families they serve who were unable to attend the event due to inclement weather.

The event was sponsored by the Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN), Family Alliance for Change, Youth United, and Southwest Solutions.